
From A Hurricane Sandy Responder:

"The JIC process as taught was a God send. The process worked well and seamless, timely and accurate information went out when needed, questions answered when needed, and Command and Control is happy with our press component. Our PIOs came together, egos went out the door and the process worked. You had a huge impact on the storm and you were not even here."

Thanks again,

Kevin L. Wilson, Trainer
Delaware Emergency Management Agency

What Participants Say:

"Excellent course. Will help me as an Incident Commander. Now that I better understand the responsibilities and capabilities of a PIO and the JIC/JIS."
Neal Watkins
Stockton, CA
"After 9 years as a professional media spokesperson, I learned more in this training than in any other that I have attended. The information presented was current, relative to my job, and interesting. Great job!"
Deanne Thompson
Anaheim, CA
"No matter how much you know or how long you have been in the business, this class will make you a better PIO."
Lynn Brown
Palo Alto, CA
"Expert information from a group that has lived and breathed crisis communications makes this a very credible training. Thank you!"
Jennie Breister
San Diego, CA
"Preparation for a crisis cannot be underestimated. Crisis communications training is not just a necessity - it can truly save lives, and it certainly can save the sanity of communicators when they face the inevitable emergency. Media Survival Group's training is by far the best, most thorough education I have received on the subject - worth every signle penny!"
Jill Shockey
State College, PA
"I have been coordinating JICs and JISs for 10 years and this course confirmed the things we are doing right and gave us many ideas to improve."
Len Gratteri
Smyrna, DE
"If agencies have not had this class - they must! I learned more from this class than any IC meeting I have been to. Thank you for your passion to teach us to help ourselves and others."
Gina Riley
Albany, OR
"Media Survival Group has assembled the ultimate gurus in emergency information management. You take big, scary processes and break them into bite-sized hors d'oeuvres. You make a short group training workshop feel like an in-depth mentoring session. Thanks!"
Bob McSeveney
San Diego, CA
"The workshop was incredibly valuable and useful, especially for a beginner in crisis communications like myself. The breakout scenarios really brought everything that was presented to life and made it all a very real-life experience. The supporting materials were also extremely useful - Go Book and multimedia and website information. I learned a lot I didn't know and appreciate the opportunity to participate in such a valuable experience. Thank you! You were all just terrific."
Laura Waldhier
State College, PA
"Absolutely valuable, realistic, and useful information, training and best practices. Great balance of theory and practice."
Nathan Bright
Smyrna, DE
"This training is the next best thing to an incident."
Kathi Martin
Apple Valley, CA
"This was an incredible workshop. Very well structured, very informative and taught by pros who have spent time in the trenches. This should be absolutely required by all PIO & PAO personnel, whether they ever work a JIC or not. I highly recommend it."
Michael Drake
San Diego, CA
"I am so glad we found you!"
Marilyn Smith
Albany, OR